

2022-03-26 助人



  Today, when Xiao Ming came out of the school gate after school, suddenly there was a loud thunder. A few drops of rain came down from the sky, and then it rained cats and dogs.

  小明正想該怎么回家,忽然看到有一位老奶奶顫巍巍地走過來,風把老奶奶吹得東倒西歪!鞍眩 币驗橄掠,地上變得很滑,老奶奶一不小心摔了一跤,雨傘也甩出老遠。小明看見了連忙跑過去,竭盡全力的想幫老奶奶扶起來?墒,小明年紀太小,沒多大力氣,怎么也扶不起來。雨越來越大了,老奶奶還坐在雨地里,小明不知所措。正在這時,不遠處走來一位叔叔,他看見了這個情況就趕緊跑過來,一邊和小明扶起老奶奶,一邊問:“大媽,你摔疼了嗎”老奶奶微微一笑,說:“我沒事,謝謝你們!”“大媽,雨下這么大,讓我們送你回家吧!”叔叔說著,把雨衣披在了老奶奶和小明的身上,自己卻淋著雨和小明攙扶著老奶奶往回家的方向走去。

  Xiao Ming was thinking about how to get home when he saw an old woman coming trembling, and the wind was blowing her around. "Ouch!" Because of the rain, the ground became very slippery, the old lady accidentally fell down, and the umbrella also went far away. Xiaoming saw that he hurriedly ran over and tried his best to help grandma up. However, Xiao Ming is too young to help him. It's raining more and more. Grandma is still sitting in the rain. Xiaoming is at a loss. At this time, an uncle came not far away. Seeing this situation, he ran to Xiaoming and helped her up. He asked, "aunt, do you have any pain?" she smiled and said, "I'm ok, thank you!" aunt, it's raining so hard. Let's take you home! "He said, putting his raincoat on her and Xiaoming, But I was drenched in the rain and xiao ming helped grandma to go home.


  Students, will we also meet people who need our help in our life? What did you do then? We should all learn from Xiao Ming and his uncle and be a good person to help others.












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