

2021-10-08 英語日記


  One day, my father said to me, "Cunxi, I'll teach you how to play basketball, so that you can grow and exercise." Playing basketball is my favorite sport. I'm very happy.

  我來到體育場上,那里都是打籃球的。爸爸說:“兒子,我教你打籃吧!闭f時遲,那時快只見爸爸忽然跳了起來,同時球也被爸爸投了出去,只聽“砰”的一聲,球被爸爸投中了,我豎起了大 拇指對爸爸說:“爸爸真棒!”爸爸把球交給了我,讓我來試一試,本以為很好打籃球的我遇到了想不到的困難,有時球砸到了我的頭上,把我的頭震的“嗡嗡”直響;有時從我的`眼前落地了,把我嚇 了一大跳;還有時沒有瞄準,球打到了籃板上,球被彈了回來,“砰”的一聲嚇了我一跳。

  I came to the stadium, where I played basketball. Dad said, "son, let me teach you how to play basketball." Later, I saw my father jump up suddenly. At the same time, the ball was thrown out by my father. I only heard "bang". The ball was thrown by my father, and I made a big stand Thumb said to Dad, "Dad is great!" Dad gave the ball to me and asked me to try it. I thought it was very good to play basketball. I met with unexpected difficulties. Sometimes the ball hit my head and made my head buzzing. Sometimes it landed in front of my eyes and scared me; When I didn't aim, the ball hit the backboard, the ball was bounced back, and the "bang" scared me.

  爸爸走了過來,對我說:“兒子,投籃時首先要抱住球,使勁一蹦,然后瞄準籃筐一投,就有百分之九十的希望投中了!蔽野凑瞻职值姆椒ǎ皇畟中有六個進了,我高興極了!于是我再接 再厲,終于在爸爸苦口婆心的教導下,我漸漸的會帶球快跑了。

  Dad came up to me and said, "son, when you shoot, you have to hold the ball, jump hard, and then aim at the basket, and you have 90 percent of the hope to hit." According to my father's method, six out of ten got in, and I was very happy! So I continued to work hard, and finally, under my father's painstaking instruction, I would gradually run fast with the ball.


  Later, I learned three step hurdle and other basketball skills. What a fulfilling day!











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