

2021-10-01 英語日記

  今天,秋高氣爽。 沒想到,今天上完英語課,爸爸就騎著那輛“寶馬”帶我去月牙湖劃船。我們倆一進去,發(fā)現(xiàn)有一個買票亭。爸爸先買三十元的`票,然后找劃船的地方。我交了二十元票,坐上了。由我來掌控船船,爸爸則悠閑自得的坐在后面。 我一開始開的不是很好,畢竟是在水上嘛!老是轉圈,爸爸看見了以后,便要示范給我看,我坐在旁邊,專心致志的看著爸爸是怎樣開船,我覺得自己已經懂得開船的要領,便讓爸爸給我開船,這下開得可穩(wěn)當多了,不再轉圈了。 通過開船這件事,讓我知道了一句話:看起來容易的事情,做起來不一定會感到容易。

  Today, autumn is crisp. Unexpectedly, after my English class today, my father took me to Yueya Lake on that BMW. As soon as we went in, we found a ticket booth. Dad bought a 30 yuan ticket first and then found a place to row. I handed in twenty yuan ticket and sat down. I'm in charge of the boat, and dad is sitting in the back. I didn't drive very well at the beginning, after all, it was on the water! I always turn around. When my father sees it, he will show me how to start the boat. I sit next to him and concentrate on watching how my father starts the boat. I think I have understood the essentials of starting the boat, so I ask my father to start the boat for me. It's a lot more stable, and I won't turn around any more. By sailing, I learned a sentence: things that seem easy may not be easy to do.

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