

2021-09-17 英語日記

  The Popularity of Take-out Food in School


  Nowadays, as the more choices for students in the school, some students can’t bear the school’s canteen, they call the take-out food. The producers sense the business opportunity, they advertise their food, attracting more students to order their food, and then they promise to provide the perfect service, which means they can bring the food to the students’ room. The problem is that school bans the take-away food, on the one hand, the school needs students to consume in the canteen, on the other hand, they want to make sure the students’ healthy. Most students choose to order the take-out away food in secret, though it may danger their health. In my opinion, the school should change their menu for some time, they need to cook the food that is suit to the students’ taste, they could learn what kind of food the students like, and then adjust the menu. The take-away food will be reduced naturally.


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