

2021-09-17 英語日記


  Everyone likes to eat the cool and delicious watermelon, and I am no exception, but when I eat watermelon once, I have a discovery.


  This summer, my mother bought a big watermelon. The watermelon is big and round, like a big ball. We can't wait to cut it open. I find its skin is green, but it's red inside. Why? So I put down my watermelon and went to look up the Encyclopedia of children, and finally I found the answer.


  Originally, watermelon's epidermis has chlorophyll, in order to absorb sunlight. But it absorbs sunlight and turns red when it matures.


  There are so many knowledge in a common watermelon! Life often hides infinite knowledge, waiting for those who are good at observation and hard to explore to find out.

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