

2021-09-17 英語日記


  On Sunday morning, my friends and I went down to my house to play.


  A friend suggested, "let's play a game of sticking noses!" everyone agreed. We drew a little man's face, eyes and mouth, cut a circle as nose, and prepared a silk scarf. A friend said, "I'll come first." She took a silk scarf, put it on her head and covered her eyes. She took the "nose" and went to the front of the painting. She took a pat and put the "nose" on it. Everyone laughed, so she put the "nose" on the mouth of the villain.


  I covered my eyes with a silk scarf, took the "nose" and went to the front of the painting, touched it, and was about to paste it up. When I heard the laughter of my friends, I took back my hand, thinking: this must not be the place of the nose. I made a comparison on the painting and pasted the "nose" on it. Untie the silk scarf, and see that I have pasted it right, I will clap my hands for myself.

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