

2021-08-11 英語作文

  Learn from Comrade LeiFeng is not to ask all ofour people gave auntbackpack, at a rainynight to send sister-in-law, nor must head offthe blood may flow,and Learn fromComrade Lei Feng wasnot shouting sloganscan be two, and heasked us to study atbit by bit from thebeginning, from thetrivial坐起, from workto start. In their dailylives, there are thingswe are very easy, Takeour workers IPPF forexample, the massesto act, we face withmany more smiles, forthe need to consultmany of the things wetake some seriousattitude toward the ;we can think thattheycup hot tea andgive them so that theymoved a chair to sitdown; act at a timewhen the countryside,especially when weengage in "people work"and the quarter ofservice, we betterattitude, when Say a Himany, many sent twosteps away.Department to actsuperior, and a half onthe road for the elderly,children and pregnantwomen to make aBlock, this seeminglysimple question, but wehave to do with it is noteasy, as if we do like todo the same thief, arethese things Let usmake up on.







學雷鋒做好事 初中英語作文03-30




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