

2022-01-28 英語作文








  生詞提示:中國式過馬路:Chinese style of crossing road 紅綠燈:traffic light


  The picture shows what the Chinese style of crossing the street is. It is clear that some pedestrians tend to run the red light in groups when crossing the street. This phenomenon has attracted widespread concern in China. There are two main reasons behind this phenomenon. Some people are always in a hurry, so they ignore the traffic signal to save time. Others lack safety awareness,thinking drivers have to stop because so many people cross the street together.  Actually running the red light is very dangerous because it may lead to more traffic jams and accidents. I hope immediate measures should be taken to prevent this bad behavior. First, the public should be educated to follow the traffic rules. Second, more overpasses should be built to make it easy to cross the street. Besides, whoever breaks the traffic rules should be severely punished. By doing so, we will be able to get around safely.

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