
小學英語作文:The fall of Rome

2021-10-11 小學生作文

  在學習、工作乃至生活中,大家都不可避免地要接觸到作文吧,作文是人們把記憶中所存儲的有關知識、經(jīng)驗和思想用書面形式表達出來的記敘方式。相信許多人會覺得作文很難寫吧,以下是小編整理的小學英語作文:The fall of Rome,歡迎大家借鑒與參考,希望對大家有所幫助。

  Rome ruled much of Europearound the Mediterranean for over 1000 years. While the RomanEmpire’s inner working began to decline around 200 AD. Finally, theRoman Empire fell in 476 AD.

  The peak of the power ofRoman Empire was around the year 117 AD, the King was the greatRoman emperor Trajan. The coastline of Roman could be along theMediterranean Sea. In AD 180, Marcus Aurelius died. His sonsCommodus succeed his father and became the emperor. However,Commodus was cruel and wasted money. Under his reign, Roman becameweaker, In AD 192, his bodyguard killed him. After Commodus thelast emperor, Severans ruled Rome. They paid the army well, butignored the problem of crime and poverty.

  The last severan died inAD 235, Rome’s government became very weak. The army leaders foughteach other for more than 50 years. One of the reasons, why Romefall was during this time, few Romans were honesty, had the dutyfor doing something those old ideals. Some Roman governmentofficials took bribes. Some Romans even stopped paying taxes, fewRomans event to school; a large number of people were enslaved. TheRome became an Empire full of cruel and savage people or people whohave little knowledge.

  During AD 200s, farmersgrew fewer crops and soldiers robbed and destroyed fields. Thesalary of people became less and many people had to serve in thearmy. In addition, a dangerous plague also took its toll. Sincefewer people were paying taxes, the Roman government had to find away to pay its officials and soldiers. So they add less gold in itscoins, so that the government could make more coins. However, theRomans soon found out and the money lost its value. In the east,armies from Persia passed into the empire’s territory. Thegovernment couldn’t enlist and pay Romans as soldiers any more. Itbegan using Germanic warriors in the army, who were not loyal toRome.

  In 476 AD, the Emperor ofRoman Romulus Augustulus ruled Roman and made it powerful at thattime. But barbarians from other countries soon offense Rome. Afterthe Constantinople was destroyed the Rome Empire finally fell. Thefall of Rome was full of sadness. The largest Empire, Rome, fell in476 AD. Thinking of its power, wealth, army, the fall of Rome wassuch a pity.

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