

2021-06-29 童年


  Childhood build the very foundation of an individual development. Although many theorists emphasize the importance of environs, family background, and community atmosphere to which an individual is exposure during the adolescence period, childhood times have been figuratively desCRIbed by such neurologist as Freud as the seeds in which all genes are ingrained or embedded. Environs are the soil in which the seed grows. Mark Twain, the greatest American novelist, is said to write in Vienna of images that he began storing at age four. The childhood sunny delights naturally shaped Mark Twain’s metaphor. The Mississippi river, the boat, the prairie, the woods in autumn dress, the motionless hanging hawk in the sky, the oaks, and the rustles of the fallen leaves in his childhood all created the novels and thus the novelist, whom the course of human events has never ever had before and the one who will be able to match him in the talent of writing has not yet loomed. Perhaps the unique childhood cannot be duplicated.

  Childhood time lists itself at the top of importance to personal development because it is in the childhood that human beings form the rudimentary language skills that develop in the course of growing into one of the most important abilities to live and learn. Child behavior researchers claim that at the age of about two years old human beings begin to speak, and this is the very start point of childhood. In the following five years child language ability grows at a tremendous speed. At seven years old, children have already had the basic language skills in presentation, discourse, and self-expression. In a certain sense, at the childhood time, human beings foster or forge the verbal communication competence. In fact, many linguists also claim that childhood is the best time to learn a foreign language.

  Childhood is the most important period also because during this period children shape the competence to observe and perceive natural and society. The ability to perceive is the first step for human beings to learn or cognize. Language follows. Childhood time also implants the personality, characteristics, and interest, although all of these possibly yield to the changes and challenges in the post-childhood environment.

  In fact, the importance of childhood time to the development of an individual human being has not yet fully unfolded. If we study this topic with insights and details, the restriction of 250 words in an essay seems to be too narrow.






高一英語作文:外表重要嗎 Is Appearance Important09-14





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