

2021-08-10 說(shuō)明文


  Unit Three

  Prisoners of War?

  Thousands of war prisoners were kept in captivity in the bulky camp. They lived in clutter and had to deal with chore. They must show categorical obedience or else receive caustic chiding. The guarding officers censure them very often, as well as clamoring carnal punishments. Some captives got bruise and clots all over. Male prisoners lost their collaterals and female ones fail to keep chaste.??

  They wear burnished canvas, and rested in circumscribed room with small capacity and caliber. They chafe each other and brawled frequently. They were chary of moving and can hardly budge. Their situations captivated lots of reporters, who castigated the government with cogent proof. However, the government gave bombastic data and bragged about the conditions in the camps.??

  After the calamity of war ceased, large numbers of captives were longing for the boon of brisk free life. According to a clandestine bond between the two canny governments, a process of exchanging captives will soon commence. This is considered as opening a cleft in the clogged wall between the two countries.











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