

2021-10-11 申請書


Dear XX,

  I believe teachers are given the opportunity to set the foundations of aprosperous future, not only for individual children but for our society as awhole. Although this is a huge responsibility, I also believe that through theeducation of children, we are able to deliver children the opportunity to find afuture which they enjoy, and this is a responsibility which is very much worthworking towards. Overcoming the hardships involved in working with young peoplein such a transitional and dynamic time of their lives will be a challenge, butI believe the reward of seeing children flourish is more than worth the effortand dedication required.

  I have chosen this course in particular as it is a vital step in my pathtowards teaching, and one which can equip me not only with the skills requiredto teach, but with the skills required to engage pupils in subjects which theyrequire to form the basis of their education [this will be extended once I workout if I am doing a subject joint with education/which subject]. I am extremelyinterested in the sociological aspect of this course, as it is fundamental, inmy opinion, that we understand the social issues surrounding childhood, e.g. thecreation of childhood as a concept or racism in education, if we are to moreadequately raise children in a society based in equality.

  I spend most Sundays caring for my younger cousins (from infancy to the ageof 11) which has created a passion for helping the young. Likewise, I spendaround four to five hours each week voluntarily helping young people on thewebsite ‘7 Cups’, which involves helping them through issues such as bullying,stress, and family issues. I have dedicated time to reading research ofeducation, with the book ‘Racism and Education’ in particular standing out as ahugely important collection of essays.

  My A2 and AS level choices have equipped me with skills which will benefitmy further education and work with young people. English Literature has been apassion of mine since year 7, and means that I have learnt key skills such asanalytical techniques and different social perspectives, as well as empathywhich is required in understanding the perspective of authors, which isessential for caring for young people. Similarly, History has given me anunderstanding of the modern education system and principles on which it isbased, for example, universality. Psychology has involved a unit specificallyfocusing on childcare attachments in young children and the effects this canhave in later life, and so I am more aware of the importance of high qualitycare and what that involves e.g. a high level of involvement in the work of eachindividual child, though of course this is difficult in the context of aclassroom of children. Finally, and possibly most importantly, Sociology hasgiven me a grasp of the social context in which we teach, i.e. the effect class,race, and gender have on children, and how teachers are responsible to educatethemselves in regards to their own inherent cultural biases, meaning that we cancombat the effects which these biases have on young people and our widersociety.

  [im currently searching for work experience and so I have not completedthis section]

  Going forwards, I hope to strive towards a career in primary teaching,wherein I will have the capabilities, upon completion of this course, to helpenable children to reach their potential, both in terms of their educationalsuccess and their personal well-being.

  Yours sincerely,











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