

2022-01-17 秋天


  Autumn arrived, the weather gradually became cold, some animals did not adapt to the Northern climate, and they flew to the south.For example, the geese in the sky is flying in the south, and the swallows fall into the group......In the fall, we can see many insects in the grass, and there are many insects in the land. Some insects are those insects. Some insects are pests.For example, the small head, long body, the two front legs are like two big machetes, which is covered with saw pals, which is used to capture the quarry.The dragonfly will be good at disguise yourself and adapt to the changes in the environment.It sometimes disguise yourself into a flower, bark, lichen, or dead leaves......I defraud other insects have sailed to pick pollen or stay in order to capture them into their own food.The head of the dragonfly can be rotated in all directions, which allows its line of sight to move with the prey.Its big eyes are very keen, and the prey can be accurately found.The skill of the dragonfly is really big. Is it a good insect or pests?Ask the students to guess.











關(guān)于觀察昆蟲的作文400字 觀察昆蟲的作文5篇11-26

鳴蟬的秋天700字-狀物作文 秋天真美寫景作文
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