

2022-08-09 其他類英語作文


  advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. but modern advertising does

  more than give news about products and services. todays advertisements, or ads, try to get consumers to buy certain brands.writers of advertisements are so skillful they can sometimes persuade a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing, eat a special kind of cereal, or see a movie. consumers might neyer even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisements for it.

  for eample, you probably do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket. there are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves. you may not have space on a shelf for another. but if you see ads about a new cereal that is etra-tasty and has a free prize in the bo, you may want it.

  advertising must get attention. to be effective, it must be eciting, entertaining, or provide some pleasure. the secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product. the idea is what the ad is really selling.one eample is an ad that says eating a cereal will make a person do well in sports. that cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.


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