The monkey met the sika deer. They both said they had great abilities. But they couldn't tell the result, so they asked the elephant to be their referee. The elephant said, "look, there is a fruit tree on the other side of the river. It is full of many overgrown seeds. Whoever you pick has many fruits, whose origin is leading.". &Little sika deer is the first one to run. Beside the river, he thought proudly that I must have picked the fruit first.
But because the fruit tree is too high, how does the sika deer stretch its long neck? It can't reach the fruit even if it jumps on it. It's in a hurry. Before the other side could figure out a good way to cross the river, the monkey saw the sika deer and called out, & " sika deer. I have a good way! Quickly carry me across the river, let's pick fruit together! & " Sika Deer heard the cry of the little monkey who didn't cross the river on the other side, rushed to the other side, carried the little monkey to cross the river quickly, finally, the little monkey and the sika deer happily picked fruit together, and the elephant said happily: & " little monkey.
Sika deer. You know, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Only those who use strengths and weaknesses together can do things perfectly, and your two abilities of helping each other can be greater. "
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