After dinner this evening, my mother. Formulate a set of table manners, for me at home, mother came to me the bad news: "this evening, you make the performance is not very polite, some rude. So, I want to and you develop a table etiquette standard, first of all, you say first, you know what are the table manners?" "Yes? Like talking without chewing?" "That's right, add ten! 'can't talk about some disgusting things at dinner?' "Say right, add again very! 20! The line is 100 %!" "Ah? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. "Plus thirty! Fifty ten! Come on!" "Don't burp when dining, also don't appear other voice, if there is a sneeze, bowel and other involuntary sound, will have a chance to say" I'm sorry. "and I'm sorry,." please the original cold ". Within. Apologize!" "By the way! "No smoking." "This is what children can't do, and adults need to be careful." Everything that happens in your life, if it's really a rude person eating at a restaurant, making a lot of noise, how do you feel?
We talked for a long time. Now I have found that there is a lot of attention to eating a meal. If you don't pay attention to these problems, you will leave a bad impression on others. Even if all you do is very good, also can't in this regard, so secretly the somebody else will say you don't clean, so, we sometimes want to behave himself, attaches great importance to their own table manners!