Football is connected with the people throughout the world.
It has become a part of people's life..Every day, man), football matchesare going on here and there around the world.
Pick up a newspaper and you can learn the the results of the footballmatches. We enjoy playing football, watching football games after work. Duringthe football matches of the World Cup,millions of people watch the matches onTV.
When their favorite teams win, they will give them three cheers. When theyfail,they feel sad. We all hope our national team will be the strongest one inthe world.
Recently, there is a new tower being built near my house. As to make thetower finished quickly, the workers work for a long time and the residents havebeen annoyed by the noise. According to the research, if people live with noisefor a long period, their health will be damaged badly. For example, the abilityof hearing will decreased and some people even feel dizzy and want to puke. Weneed to live in a quiet environment. Proper sleep can ensure people the energyto do their work. If the company overworks, the residents charge them ornegotiate with the boss, so as to control the noise.
Ihavemanyhobbies,suchasplaying computer games, reading comics,watching TV, reading andsoon.But listening to music is my favorite hobby
Ilikelisteningtomusic very much.Becauselisteningtomusicmakesmerelaxed.WhenIamtired,IwilllisteningsomeEnglishmusic,thatmakesmesleepveryquickly.Myfavoritemusicis‘thatswhyyougoaway’.because it’s very nice and it can make me comfortable. Ilovelisteningtomusic.Iwillkeepthishobbyforever
Last Friday night, as I went home after school, I saw my grandparents. Theycame to visit us and I was so surprised. We hadn't seen each other for more thanthree months and I really missed them. On Saturday, I took them to visit thescenery around my home. We talked so happily. I was so excited to show them thelocal features. On Sunday, my parents took us to a nice restaurant. We enjoyedthe food and communicated for a long time. What a great moment. It is hard forus to have such chance to share our emotion. I wish I have more time toaccompany my grandparents.