

2021-10-11 漫畫

  obviously cctv is determined to change their traditional song and dance gala form for kid, they created a theater cartoon drama for this kids joy.

  gathering nearly all the well-known chinese original cartoon characters, ne zha, monkey sun and zhu bajie, the top three cartoon characters voted by kids, will lead acting in this dream fairyland and experience an outer space journey by spacecraft named °chang e±. including big-face cat, piggy bear and other nearly 20 characters will be joining this journey. a cartoon olympic game is on schedule as well, and the main difficulty they confront is how to ignite the torch on the pate of giraffe.

  this smash show from cctv gathered a top line-up in chinese drama and cartoon field. top producers for screenwriting, choreography, casting, lighting and music devoted their talents here. lead acted by liu xiao ling tong and ma de hua, who are well-known for their excellent performance in tv series °journey to the west±, while notable children programs presiders as ju ping, dong hao, jin guizi and etc also join this sweet play with their specific role. cute characters, fantastic plot will endow kids a memorable hilarious night!







高中英語作文|中國的教育 Chinese Education01-13




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