

2021-12-22 六年級作文


  It was like a blue paper , occasionally there are a few thin clouds , like the sun like the wind , slowly floating.

  Is lowly walked along the road, enjoying a sunny day, the day of June ,the babysface, the sky is gradually dark ,the sun is hidden by the clouds, the colorof the sky has changed the colorof the blue, has become like a dirty rag dippedinwater.

  Oh soundcame, a 60 year old grand mother fellon the road side, plump body, grayhair, wrinkled, appearst obevery painful. Is inIhesitated whether to helpher, amiddle-aged man beat stepto the old grandma helped , and grandma did notrise, but to seize hands ternly Lisemoremiddle-agedpeopleshouted: why do you want to pushmeto.

  Nexttothemiddle aged people frown ,butmatter of factly the old grandma asentence: I kin do fwant to help you, you do not appreciate, but also in turn to correctmy. the old grandma and didnothear, orcontinue toclamor, subsequently, the crowd of people more and more and more is talking about. In them idd leof the old grandma help less, about more than 40 year old aunt appear in myl in eofsight, she worea black head of long hair, big eyes, wearing a bei gewind breaker, shes quatte don the old grandmother, in alow voicesaid: you are so big a gestill correctpeople, other swill be how to see you! I will help you explain, you would not To do that any more. Grandma blushed and whispered well, theaunt who slowly standup, will siton the ground of old grandma helpe dup, smile on the middleaged mansaid: Im so sorry, this is my friends mother, she some time sea sily confused. Middleaged manreplied: nothing , old man committed confusedisunder standable. Said Aunt hands clen chedgrannys arm gently helped, gradually a way from our line of sight. Ilong tourge the breath, in the heart feel for her thumb sup.

  I do not know when, the weather is clear, the streets have been restored in the past.












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