

2021-09-18 考試


  Are the respondents forthright when answering the questions

  The reliability of the respondents...answers to the survey’s question is not sufficiently justified to support the conclusion... There is possibility that the respondents may not tell the truth about.. (answering the questions honestly may lead to some undesirable consequences for the respondents, thus they may evade the crucial point, or even lie in their answers. ) Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for us to expect the respondents to provide accurate information about their opinion toward...

  Are the respondents representative

  We should also notice that the respondents studied in the survey may not represent the general group of ...We all know that in many cases, people who are interested in ...might be generally more likely to respond to the survey than other people are, or are more willing to express their own opinions and positions on the issue of ...

  (other people who did not respond may hold a totally different position toward the issue studied, and the author should include those people in the study to present a more convincing result. )Without considering the situation of other groups of people, the result of the survey in itself could not justifiably illustrate that ...










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