
考試不及格Fail in the Exam

2021-09-10 考試

  Students Who Perform Badly Should Fail the Course

  I do hope that everyone in the University can pass the course they take , but I think that the only way to pass is to work hard . Teacher should not tolerance students’ poor perform in the course or sympathy with the situation after fail the exam and let students pass the course . This action do not good to students themselves and is bad to the society .


  Firstly , if student who do not go to the class , never listen to the teacher , do not finish the homework can pass the course, it is unfair to the diligent student . Also , this phenomenon will make some students lost the passion of studying . No matter good or bad student can all pass the course so who cares what the course about. Students will never go to the classroom early in the morning and stay late at night for studying . In this case ,the good may become best and the bad become worse , that helps nothing to the education but produce more so called “bachelor” to the society . It just like paying the school fee to buy the diploma .


  Secondly , education need to be serious to the student and ensure they do well in the course , but not ensure they pass all the course . Students who perform badly would fail the course is good for students’ personal development and good for the society because it encourage student to work hard so that they can get the degree . By students’ hardworking , they can learn things quickly , that make them have the ability to get a job and manage it .


  Thirdly,University is a slice of society ,no pain no gain , student should have deeply understand of the important of diligence . School should punish the negative behaviors and praise the positive .


  All in all , students who perform badly should fail the course to encourage the hardworking students and ensure student learn more during the school time . Indirectly , it will make students’ school life become meaningful and full of challenge .


【關(guān)于考試不及格Fail in the Exam】相關(guān)文章:

1.英語考試 English Exam


3.初二英語作文:學(xué)?荚噾(yīng)減少 Exam Should Be Reduced

4.Afterthe Exam初三英語作文

5.初三英語作文After the Exam

6.2015初三英語作文:準(zhǔn)備期末考試 Prepare for the Final Exam

7.初中英語作文:考試作弊之我見 My View on Cheating in Exam


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