
高考看圖作文:空巢老人 Life of Empty-nesters

2021-09-27 看圖

  在日復(fù)一日的.學(xué)習(xí)、工作或生活中,大家對(duì)作文都不陌生吧,作文一定要做到主題集中,圍繞同一主題作深入闡述,切忌東拉西扯,主題渙散甚至無(wú)主題。作文的注意事項(xiàng)有許多,你確定會(huì)寫嗎?下面是小編幫大家整理的高考看圖作文:空巢老人 Life of Empty-nesters,希望對(duì)大家有所幫助。

  It is the old mans birthday today. Now he is sitting on a sofa alone. Maybe his wife has been dead. On the right side is a big birthday cake sent by his son. And there are also some presents given by his daughter on the left. Yet the old man doesnt feel happy. Instead, he looks very sad because he is lonely.

  Our life is getting better and better than before. Some people think that old people will be satisfied as long as they have enough to eat and drink. I think they are quite wrong. Old people easily get lonely because they have no work to do. So we should spend time together with them and take care of them in every possible way.

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