

2021-08-06 家庭

  the typhoon  is coming. it comes with the heavily wind and rains. this is my first time to see the wind so strong. i got sleeplessness on sunday night. the windows were making noises by the great wind. even i could hear the voice of the iron sheet down on the street. we could not go out while the typhoon coming. it was very dangers because we might be hit by the trees, ad signboards or others things. anyway, stayed at home was the best choice for the foul weather.

  this afternoon, we play a game called ‘family tree’. this game is very interesting. i’m very interested in it. our teacher’s family is very large. she has many brothers and sisters. but i am unlucky, i has only a sister and i without brothers. but i think i have the best parents in the world. they are very friendly to me. i live in a good family. my grand parents loves me, too. when they buy meat, they will give the best parts of the meat to me.

  when i was a child, i can’t undertand them. i want to have bread. my grand father took a bike to qu tang. because in our village there is no ‘bread house’. qu tang is far from our village. now i grow up. i understand them when i think of this things. i will cry i can’t use words to say i love them.

  i love my family!

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