

2024-11-19 健身


  There is a saying that never too old to learn and, similarly, I want to say that never too old to do exercises. Doing exercises is really necessary for everyone and we’d better take some time to do exercises every day.

  General speaking, doing exercises appropriately every day is definitely good for our health. For one thing, doing exercises properly is a good way to building our body and accelerate our blood circulation. For example, to do sit-up every day can practice our waist. For another, doing exercises is also a good method to keep our mind healthy because doing exercises can broaden our mind and release our stress to a large extent. For example, we would feel better if we do some exercises after working for a long time.

  In addition, doing exercises can make our mind be more active. That is why so many people choose to do exercises when they cannot come up with new ideas.

  All in all, doing exercises is absolute necessary. If you say that you are too busy to run, to take some deep breath or expand your chest every day would be better than do nothing.











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