

2022-04-07 觀后感


  After finishing appreciating the film “Forrest Gump” ,I lost in deeply thought…

  “Life is just like vairous pieces of chocolates that you'll never know which one belongs to you”.It means that the orbits of men are quite different besides Gump.

  From studying in special school to play ball well,being a hero of Vietnam War,being the capital of the lobster ship ,running all over the USA.Forrest Gump achieved success what other normal people admire.

  Although he was a physical disabled man when he was a little child,classmates often laugh at him,but he didn't bend to the unjustice,active living attitude broughe him his first miracle that his broken legs got well which is unbelieveble.Gump joinedthearmy and was assigned to Vienam.

  When he was an adule,oneday,his teammates and him were surrounded by enemies,though Gump was the first people run away from the circle,the friendship made him get back andsave lots of his teammates.He was considered as a hero.It is his second miracle.

  The whole life of Forrest Gump emerge lots of miracles which results from his brave and unafraid.We should learn the truth of life from him and use it to make our life wonderful.




阿甘正傳 英語讀后感09-03








《風之谷》影片觀后感 《心靈捕手》觀后感
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