
英文版《God Rest Ye Merry》歌詞

2022-01-31 歌詞


  《God Rest Ye Merry》

  God rest ye merry gentlemen

  Let nothing you dismay

  Remember Christ our Saviour

  Was born on Christmas day

  To save us all from Satan's power

  When we were gone astray

  O tidings of comfort and joy

  Comfort and joy

  O tidings of comfort and joy

  In Bethlehem in Israel

  This blessed Babe was born

  And laid within a manger

  Upon this blessed morn

  In which His Mother Mary

  Did nothing take in scorn

  O tidings of comfort and joy

  Comfort and joy

  O tidings of comfort and joy

  From God our Heavenly Father

  A blessed Angel came

  And unto certain Shepherds

  Brought tidings of the same

  How that in Bethlehem was born

  The Son of God by Name

  O tidings of comfort and joy

  Comfort and joy

  O tidings of comfort and joy

  O tidings of comfort and joy

【英文版《God Rest Ye Merry》歌詞】相關(guān)文章:

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