

2021-09-02 歌詞

  Dance with My Father

  Back when I was a child

  Before life removed all the innocence

  My father would lift me high

  And dance with my mother and me then

  Spin me around till I fell asleep

  Then up the stairs he would carry me

  And I knew for sure I was loved

  If I could get another chance

  Another walk

  Another dance with him

  Id play a song that would never, ever end

  How I love, love, love

  To dance with my father again

  When I and my mother would disagree

  To get my way I would run from her to him

  Hed make me laugh just to comfort me

  Then finally make me do just what my mama said

  Later that night when I was asleep

  He left a dollar under my sheet

  Never dreamed that he would be gone from me

  If I could steal one final glance

  One final step

  One final dance with him

  Id play a song that would never, ever end

  Cause I love, love, love

  To dance with my father again

  Sometimes Id listen outside her door

  And Id hear how my mother cried for him

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