

2021-11-19 高中作文



  Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province on Feb 26, 1982, Li Na is China’ No.1 woman teenis player. As early as she was just 7, she startedpractising playing tennis, and became a professional tennis playerin 1999. She once gave up tennis in 20xx and went to a universityto study, but she came back to the sport two years later. The year20xx has seen her achieve great success: she got the second placein the Austalian Open in January and won the championship in theFrench Open in June, and now ranks fourth in women tennis playes inthe world. She is very popular as an easy-gong, humorous andconfident sportswoman.


  Recently, a survey has been carried out on the levels ofcontrolling different emotions across different cultures. As isshown in the survey, it’s not only the type of expression wedisplay but also the way these expressions are interpreted thatdiffers across cultures. Besides, it is Russians who most tightlycontrol the display of their emotions, closely followed by theJapanese and South Koreans. What’s more, Americans displayed theleast control over their facial expressions. Moreover, men are morelikely to hide surprise and fear while women control disgust,contempt and anger and many other emotions.


  With the development of science and technology, more and morefarmers prefer natural waste from animals to chemical fertilizers.They argue that putting natural waste from animals in their fieldsmakes the soil richer in minerals and more fertile and it is goodfor the crops. When farmers use this kind of natural fertilizer,they keep air, soil and water as well as the food supply free fromchemical. However, using chemical fertilizer will make the soilexhausted. In the meantime, chemical fertilizer will kill bothhelpful and harmful bacteria and pests and it will also pollute theenvironment.










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