

2021-08-12 初中英語作文



  Every time when I go home by train, I feel very uncomfortable, because I have to smell the terrible air, people always smoke, making the public place smell bad. Since the motor train operates, I feel so happy, I find the train is very clean, the air smells good, no people smoke in the train. I feel so surprised, this is the ideal environment for me, in the long journey, all the people are so polite. Smoking in the public place should be banned, the bad smell not only makes people sick, but also does harm to their health. In the long journey, people need to keep a good environment, so they have a good mood.

  Every time when I go home by train, I feel very uncomfortable, because I have to smell the terrible air, people always smoke, making the public place smell bad. Since the motor train operates, I feel so happy, I find the train is very clean, the air smells good, no people smoke in the train. I feel so surprised, this is the ideal environment for me, in the long journey, all the people are so polite. Smoking in the public place should be banned, the bad smell not only makes people sick, but also does harm to their health. In the long journey, people need to keep a good environment, so they have a good mood.











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