

2021-10-12 初中生活


  Today, I came to coppell composition class as usual. I just came into the classroom, the teacher xu also subsequently came in. Xu teacher smilingly said to us: "today, we play a fun game." The words sound just fell, the classroom was blasted pot, all with one voice said: "good." Already someone beginning comment at this moment, some say it's swing, some, read a book, and the scenery... Nope, xu teacher: "today we play elephant!"

  Then, the teacher began to said rules: first to choose a person when the blind, when like others. Must covered her eyes with red scarf, for the blind and the like can only be within the prescribed scope of activities, the blind man touched the elephant then calculated is male or female.

  Games started by Wu Juncheng when a blind man, he is like a mighty eagle left my daughter, my daughter right, some timid like hiding in the corner held her breath, can't make any noise. Also some timid like a scared flee. Some naughty like me included, bent round to quietly behind him and patted his head sometimes, sometimes he pat on the back, and then ran away, I quickly caught, then will frighten the soul fly.

  Today is really interesting, really want to such composition on more in the future.










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