

2021-07-27 初中作文


  Recently, I have been reading a book named Communication Arts. In thisbook, the author Doctor Li introduces many methods to communicate with otherssuccessfully and tells readers why everyone should be a polite person. Myfavorite sentence in this book is “Everyone has potential, and everyone candetermine your own future by developing positive psychological, masteringcommunication arts and showing your personality charm. In that way, you can havea wonderful life!”

  During whole sections, this book tells us human should live in a largegroup, since people can’t solve all problems by their own. For that matter,human beings should learn a series of manners to deal with any situation whichmight happen wherever and whenever. After that, Doctor Li makes a point thatpeople need to realize how to resolve disagreements between friends, families orcolleagues. There always appears this kind of situation in social life, so it’simportant to understand how to settle it. Finally he teaches us thatcommunication techniques not only reflect in normal talk but also within bodylanguages.

  In each part of the book, the author takes a large number of examples indaily life to confirm his points. These examples in daily life are easy tounderstand and accept.

  After reading the book, I find many shortages of my communication skills. Iused to lack of patience when I talk to others, even got mad at them. This wasimpolite and might destroy relationships between my friends and me. Therefore Iwould try my best to improve myself and be welcome.







6. 多與家人朋友溝通交流初中英語作文



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