I was 7 years old that year, my family around was beautiful flowers, the grass grow lush and tender, some grass eager leaned out from the ground, trees stronger is every day, every day is high, the river is very clear, clear enough to see the bottom of the river, clear enough to see small fish shrimp swimming.
A year later, floret grass withered, the tree also gradually disappeared, even the river green and blackened, far can smell a foul smell, is a stench to the passing from there to suppress a sigh of relief. I've been looking for clues since then.
I found I was 10 years old, have been looking for, to find the three clues, the first clue is: people think that car in the underground parking lot is very trouble, stop in the flower of grass, time grew, flowers and grass and killed by a car.
The second clue is that there is a huge amount of deforestation that destroys the growth of trees.
The third clue is that people throw litter in the stream and pollute the river, and the water becomes dark and stinky.
I made a sign with my friends that said, "please don't throw rubbish into the river." After a while the river was much better than before. The brand worked.
Please bear in mind how we treat nature and nature will treat us.