

2021-08-23 安全

  Almost 10 years ago, there didn’t exist such words like water injection beef, recycled waste cooking oil, artificial eggs in our daily life. But now they have been world famous for a string of a food safety scandals breaking out in recent years.

  Who should take responsibility for food safety scandalsThe manufacturers or the supervisorsOur choice is the supervisors.

  Under market economy, companies are always trying to maximize their profit by all means including wrong way. This is not to say such illegal manufactures are not to be blamed or punished. Of course they should be given warning. But it’s unpractical if we expect them to be moral and self-discipline, to pay more attention on public interest rather than their own economic interest. Anyway they’re economic man, and that’s exactly why we need supervision institutions.

  To enhance supervision, possible methods may include emphasis on food safety legal system, improvement the food safety market access system, establishing a food recall system and so on. If you think these methods are too abstract to understand, one useful way is to set up a reasonable and effective reward system to inspire everyone to participate in the food safety supervision.












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