

2021-08-11 500字

  As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian who is crossing a street at zebra crossing. What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society.

  Driving under influence (DUI) is a common practice for many Chinese. In many cities, police checkpoints for DUI are only set up for a month in a year or even two weeks. These occasional crackdown campaigns are like typhoons, they go as fast as they come. In the first half of this year, 222,ooo people on the Chinese mainland were found driving under influence (DUI), up 8.7 percent over the same period last year. Our roads have simply become the most dangerous in the world. With three percent of the total vehicles in the world, the country accounts for 16 percent of the global traffic deaths. Each year, some 100,000 Chinese die in traffic accidents in the country-274 deaths a day. Each year traffic accidents take away more lives in China than other mishap. An all-out war on drink and drunk driving and other forms of rash driving should definitely be a national priority.

  Strong measure should be taken to prevent reckless driving, and I would suggest three steps to begin with. First, our laws should be made tougher to show zero tolerance to such murderous driving. Many countries, such as the United Sates, Sweden and Singapore, have stricter punishment for DUI. Second, police offices should enforce the law at all times and in all places, leaving no gaps of which violators can take advantage. Crackdown on DUI is not something that should be carried out of only two months. It should stay as long as there’s dangerous driving on our roads. Third, while laws and punishments are necessary, we should start educating our population about the threat of DUI on other’s lives. While driver should restrain themselves, our drinking culture, which often means endless rounds of bottoms-up, needs to be checked.





請(qǐng)勿酒后駕車(chē) Do not drink and drive09-08






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