

2021-02-18 自我介紹

  As is known to everybody, the knowledge is power and money. If I were a college student, I would be the happiest person in the world. I would pursue my favorite hobby…study English.

  Since college life is meant to be independent, I might give free scope to my real talent. Furthermore, I might participate in social and national reconstruction projects. I would abide by my principles by reading more add enriching myself so that I might be of greater use to society upon my graduation day.

廉江市| 新宁县| 公主岭市| 宜章县| 平乐县| 谷城县| 长葛市| 锦州市| 威信县| 盐边县| 安达市| 白水县| 绥中县| 林周县| 巫溪县| 南充市| 西昌市| 社旗县| 东明县| 钟祥市| 石渠县| 德化县| 阜康市| 长乐市| 西乡县| 吉安县| 恭城| 延津县| 青神县| 宜城市| 渑池县| 邹平县| 大新县| 广水市| 客服| 宁南县| 新营市| 荥阳市| 无棣县| 南阳市| 芷江|