

2021-06-11 臺詞

  1. 我相信愛情,也相信愛情會死,在我看來沒有什么是通過婚姻才能得到的,但兩人之間最珍貴的'感情只有通過婚姻才可能產(chǎn)生。

  I believe in love and I also believe that love will die. In my eyes, nothing in the world can be achieved only through marriage, but the most precious affection between two individuals does grow out of marriage.

  2. 人啊,難受是因為不自由,覺得不自由是因為自己的欲望膨脹。

  People’s unhappiness is a result of illiberality derived from a swelling desire.

  3. 法律只保護財產(chǎn),不保護感情

  Laws only protect property rather than relationship.

  4. 為什么離婚,就是要結(jié)束一段不好的感情,為什么要結(jié)婚,就是要開展一段有希望的新生活。

  Divorce is a means of putting an end to an unhappy relationship, while marriage serves the purpose of opening a new chapter of life.

  5. 你收拾一個男人你不能在結(jié)婚前,你得結(jié)完婚慢慢收拾。

  Never give lessons to a man before marriage. You need to do it gradually after marriage.

  6. 干律師這行,看見別人結(jié)婚,勸別人小心,看到別人離婚,要對別人說聲恭喜。

  As a lawyer, we need to say “take care” to newly-weds, while saying “congratulations” to those who just divorced.

  7. 如果說婚姻是契約,夫妻間的承諾是合同,那么你這種行為,就叫做合同欺詐。

  If the marriage is an agreement, the promise between the couple is a contract. Thus, your behavior like this is nothing but a contractual fraud.

  8. 離開一個錯的人,才會遇到對的人。

  You will not meet the right person unless you leave the wrong.

  9. 女人經(jīng)濟越獨立越不需要婚姻,投資男人不如投資自己。

  For a woman, there is no need of marriage if she is economically independent. It is much wiser for a woman to invest in herself than in a man.

  10. 談戀愛,是跟一個人的優(yōu)點在談戀愛;談結(jié)婚,是跟一個人的缺點在過日子。

  Dating someone is actually dating with his or her merits, whereas marrying someone is actually marrying his or her demerits.











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