

2021-06-12 試題


  An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities.

  What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns?


  By virtue of economic advantage of big cities, growing numbers of people like to make a living here. Inevitably, some problems arise. A very serious issue is defined environmental concern. A bigger inner city population leads to more frequent use of vehicles, from private cars or trucks, that produce a great deal of pollution. Plus, the increase of the amount of living waste imposes a very negative influence on the environment around these cities.

  Another problem is that the increase of population in big cities gives rise to the increasing rate of crime. This is why crime rate in big cities is more than that in small towns.

  However, I disagree with the opinion held by some people that the Government ought to persuade the people to move out cities into towns, with the explanation that the today’s Government that is paid a large sum of taxes by payers should not interrupt the citizens’ normal living by telling them to live here or there. Instead, it should try to think out alternative good avenues to work the problems out.

  Another reason for my judge is that those living in big cities could strongly oppose to move out because they are used to the current lifestyle. or the environment around them. If they had to move into small towns, they would feel lost or uneasy. In other words, the Government would be making another trouble- the complaint by citizens – just because of encouraging city dwellers to live in small towns.

  In conclusion, my view is that the Government should try to improve current situations with the aim of helping with problems rather than simply use population immigration.











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