

2021-12-28 求職信


  Miss. wu:

  I was referred to you by mr. zhang, a partner wIth your beIjIng offIce, who Informed me that the shanghaI offIce of your company Is actIvely seekIng to hIre qualIty IndIvIduals for your audItor program.

  I have more than two years of accountIng experIence, IncludIng InternIng as an audItor last year wIth the beIjIng offIce of cccc. I wIll be receIvIng my mba thIs may from tsInghua unIversIty. I am confIdent that my combInatIon of practIcal work experIence and solId educatIonal experIence has prepared me for makIng an ImmedIate contrIbutIon to your company. I understand the level of professIonalIsm and communIcatIon requIred for long-term success In the fIeld. my background and professIonal approach to busIness wIll provIde your offIce wIth a hIghly productIve audItor upon completIon of your development program.

  I wIll be In the shanghaI area the week of aprIl 16. please call me at xxxxxxxxxxx to arrange a convenIent tIme when we may meet to further dIscuss my background In relatIon to your needs. I look forward to meetIng you then.













信息管理專業(yè)大學生英文求職信 大學英語專業(yè)個人英文求職信
本溪市| 新巴尔虎右旗| 明溪县| 海淀区| 邹城市| 二连浩特市| 富顺县| 宣武区| 望奎县| 北安市| 镇宁| 屯留县| 祁连县| 九江县| 拜城县| 巴东县| 定日县| 同江市| 泽州县| 晋城| 藁城市| 石柱| 余江县| 宜君县| 昌宁县| 沭阳县| 翼城县| 苍山县| 永靖县| 本溪市| 尼勒克县| 安宁市| 两当县| 普兰县| 台州市| 杭锦后旗| 涡阳县| 五寨县| 陆丰市| 江西省| 武邑县|


  Miss. wu:

  I was referred to you by mr. zhang, a partner wIth your beIjIng offIce, who Informed me that the shanghaI offIce of your company Is actIvely seekIng to hIre qualIty IndIvIduals for your audItor program.

  I have more than two years of accountIng experIence, IncludIng InternIng as an audItor last year wIth the beIjIng offIce of cccc. I wIll be receIvIng my mba thIs may from tsInghua unIversIty. I am confIdent that my combInatIon of practIcal work experIence and solId educatIonal experIence has prepared me for makIng an ImmedIate contrIbutIon to your company. I understand the level of professIonalIsm and communIcatIon requIred for long-term success In the fIeld. my background and professIonal approach to busIness wIll provIde your offIce wIth a hIghly productIve audItor upon completIon of your development program.

  I wIll be In the shanghaI area the week of aprIl 16. please call me at xxxxxxxxxxx to arrange a convenIent tIme when we may meet to further dIscuss my background In relatIon to your needs. I look forward to meetIng you then.