

2021-11-24 評語

  1.Tony – Tony is going really well; he is saying the new words and is trying very hard with the new sentences。 He really enjoys coming up to the front of the class and performing the actions that go along with the songs,he is trying really hard to remember the new words and sentences。

  2.Alan – Alan is going really well in the class; he sits in his chair and waits for his turn。 He is doing a great job with remembering the new words; he is always trying his best with everything that he does。 He enjoys singing the new songs。

  3.Frank – Frank is going great; he is feeling much better and is really trying very hard with the new words。 He is slowly catching up with the other children,I am sure he will be able to say all the new words and sentences。 He is very active in the class and is trying to talk more。 Lewis - Lewis is going really well in class; he has a good understanding of what we are doing。 He participates well in every

  4.activity and really tries very hard with everything that he is doing。 Lewis enjoys coming to the front of the class and performing the action that go along with the songs。

  5.Kevin – Kevin has been away from class

  6.Tracy – Tracy has been away from class

  7.Jessie – Jessie is having a great time in the class; he seems to understand what we are doing and has no trouble repeating the words。 He really enjoys doing the actions and singing the songs,he is always happy to come to the front of class and practice the new words。

  8.David – David is going well; he is slowly coming to the front of the class to practice what we are learning。 He is trying hard with the new words and sentences; he really enjoys singing the new songs and performing the actions that go along with them。

  9.Michael - Michael is going really well in class; he is very active in class and is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He really participates well in all the activities and tries his best with

  10.everything that he does。 He is slowly enjoying the songs,and I am sure that before too long he will really like singing。

  11.Joyce – Joyce is going great in the class; she is always trying her best with the new words and sentences。 Sometimes she says the new words only after hearing them once,which is fantastic。 She likes playing games with me and is always happy and smiling in the class。 Cindy – Cindy has been away from class

  12.Tomi – Tomi is going really well in class; he is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He is participating well in all class activities; he really enjoys singing the new songs。 When it is his turn to come to the front of the class to practice the new words he is very happy。










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