

2021-06-04 經(jīng)典美文


  Prof Stephen Hawking’s final research paper suggests that our Universe may be one of many similar to our own.


  The theory resolves a cosmic paradox of the late physicist’s own making.


  It also points a way forward for astronomers to find evidence of the existence of parallel universes.


  The study was submitted to the Journal of High-Energy Physics 10 days before Prof Hawking died.


  In the 1980s, the Cambridge scientist, along with US physicist James Hartle developed a new idea about the beginning of the Universe.


  This resolved a difficulty with Einstein’s theory that suggested that the Universe began nearly 14 billion years ago but said nothing about how it began.


  Instead, the Hartle-Hawking idea used a different theory called quantum mechanics to explain how the Universe arose from nothingness.

  相反,哈特爾 - 霍金的想法使用了一種稱為量子力學的不同理論來解釋宇宙如何從虛無中產(chǎn)生。

  The idea tied up one loose end but created another - an infinite number some might say.

  這個想法解決了一個問題但又制造了另一個問題 - 有些人可能會說是無數(shù)的問題。

  As physicists analysed the idea it emerged that it carried with it the implication that the Big Bang would create not just one universe - but an endless supply.


  Some, according to the Hartle-Hawking theory, would be very like our own, perhaps have Earth-like planets, societies, even individuals similar to the ones in our Universe.

  根據(jù)哈特勒 - 霍金理論,有些宇宙會和我們自己的非常相似,也許有像地球一樣的.行星,社會,甚至和我們的宇宙人類一樣相似的個體。

  Other universes would be subtly different - perhaps with Earth-like planets where dinosaurs were not wiped out. And there would be universes completely unlike our own, with no Earths, perhaps no stars and galaxies and different laws of physics.

  其他宇宙會有微妙的差異 - 可能有和地球相似的行星,在那里恐龍沒有滅絕。而且又會有完全不同于我們自己的宇宙,這個宇宙沒有地球,也許沒有恒星和星系,而且那里有不同的物理定律。

  It sounds far-fetched, but the equations in this theory make such scenarios theoretically possible.


  A crisis arises because if there are infinite types of universes with infinite variations in their laws of physics then the theory cannot predict what kind of universe we should find ourselves in.


  Prof Hawking joined forces with Prof Thomas Hertog at KU Leuven in Belgium, who is funded by the European Research Council to try to resolve this paradox.


  Prof Hawking’s final paper is the fruit of 20 years’ work with Prof Hertog.


  It has solved the puzzle by drawing on new mathematical techniques developed to study another esoteric branch of physics called string theory.


  These techniques enable researchers to view physics theories in a different way. And the novel assessment of the Hartle-Hawking theory in the new paper has restored order to a hitherto chaotic multiverse.

  這些技術(shù)使研究人員能夠以不同的方式分析物理學理論。而新論文對哈特勒 - 霍金理論的新穎評估讓混沌的多元宇宙恢復秩序。

  The new Hawking-Hertog assessment indicates that there can only be universes that have the same laws of physics as our own.

  新的哈特勒 - 霍金評估表明,其它宇宙具有與我們自己的宇宙相同的物理定律。

  That conjecture means that our Universe is typical and so observations we make from our viewpoint will be meaningful in developing our ideas of how other universes emerged.











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