
建筑師 個人英文簡歷

2022-02-25 簡歷

  時間一晃而過,新一輪的.招聘又在朝我們招手,簡歷也應(yīng)跟上時間的腳步了哦。簡歷怎么寫才能具有特色?以下是小編整理的建筑師 個人英文簡歷范文,希望能夠幫助到大家。

建筑師 個人英文簡歷范文1

  Jason Bond

  FOT 1011

  1209 2nd Avenue south

  Birmingham, AL 35294

  Telephone No: 205-592-1019

  Email id: bondjason@gmail.com


  Sept 1980 - Dec 1982

  Masters of Architecture

  ABC University (Oakland, California)

  Fall Plan Off competition winner

  Graduated with honors

  Sept 1975 - June 1979

  Bachelor of Environmental Design

  XYZ University (Brighton, New York)


  Student Body President

  New York Future Architect Association (Clinton, New York)


  March 1990 present

  Staff Architect

  ABC & Son Engineers, (Buffalo, New York)

  Residential and commercial design, site inspections, working drawings, MiniCad, renderings.

  September 1984 - February 1990

  Architectural Assistant

  XX & XX Associates (Los Angeles, California)

  Model preparation, preliminary design, AutoCAD.

  January 1983 - August 1984

  Architectural Assistant

  XYZ Engineering (San Jose, California)

  Responsible for all phases of project planning and design from initial site visit to as built and drafting.

  Additional Skills

  Computers & Internet

  Comfortable in IBM / clone or Mac environments.

  Extensive use of Microsoft Office Suite and web design software.

  Developed personal and several other web pages.

  Knowledge of computer networking that includes prior work with Microsoft NT 4.0 and Novell 3.12, 4.0.

建筑師 個人英文簡歷范文2

  Jason Bond

  FOT 1011

  1209 2nd Avenue south

  Birmingham, AL 35294

  Telephone No: 205-592-1019

  Email id: bondjason@gmail.com


  Sept 1980 - Dec 1982

  Masters of Architecture

  ABC University (Oakland, California)

  Fall Plan Off competition winner

  Graduated with honors

  Sept 1975 - June 1979

  Bachelor of Environmental Design

  XYZ University (Brighton, New York)


  Student Body President

  New York Future Architect Association (Clinton, New York)


  March 1990 present

  Staff Architect

  ABC & Son Engineers, (Buffalo, New York)

  Residential and commercial design, site inspections, working drawings, MiniCad, renderings.

  September 1984 - February 1990

  Architectural Assistant

  XX & XX Associates (Los Angeles, California)

  Model preparation, preliminary design, AutoCAD.

  January 1983 - August 1984

  Architectural Assistant

  XYZ Engineering (San Jose, California)

  Responsible for all phases of project planning and design from initial site visit to as built and drafting.

  Additional Skills

  Computers & Internet

  Comfortable in IBM / clone or Mac environments.

  Extensive use of Microsoft Office Suite and web design software.

  Developed personal and several other web pages.

  Knowledge of computer networking that includes prior work with Microsoft NT 4.0 and Novell 3.12, 4.0.

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