

2020-11-21 邀請函

Dear Sir/Madam,

  I'm【NAME】, residing at 【YOUR OVERSEA ADDRESS+POSTCODE】, would like to invite my mother, father and sister, residing at【YOUR PARENTS’ CHINESE ADDRESS】 , China P R, to visit me in UK for about two months starting from 1 July.

  The purpose of the visit is for my graduation on 17 July, as well as tourism within UK. During their visit, they will stay with me at the above address and I will be responsible for all their expenses including the round trip air fare to UK, food, housing, travelling within UK, insurance and all other expenses.

  I will make sure that my parents and my sister will leave UK before the expiration of their authorized stay. Please kindly grant them Temporary Resident Visas.

  Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone at 0044-7** *** **** or E-mail me at ******@qmul.ac.uk if you have any questions.

  Best regards.


讀書會的邀請函 邀請函的說明及格式
隆回县| 武义县| 靖西县| 调兵山市| 兴安县| 西乡县| 太原市| 莱阳市| 来凤县| 高阳县| 罗田县| 正镶白旗| 枣庄市| 抚州市| 胶州市| 东阳市| 刚察县| 涿鹿县| 临海市| 张北县| 忻州市| 克东县| 介休市| 侯马市| 林甸县| 图们市| 乌拉特前旗| 鱼台县| 仙游县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 宿迁市| 隆子县| 双峰县| 宁陵县| 尚志市| 海门市| 余庆县| 浠水县| 泸州市| 义乌市| 宝清县|