

2020-11-13 賀信



Dear Sandy,


  I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olymhttps://p.9136.com/1lpetition for the middle school students.


  I know that you are always good at English.


  You often win the praise of our English teacher and always in the first place of our class.


  So I’m surprise at all that you become champion for this competition.


  However, in my mind, this match is very difficult.


  So I becomemore and more admire you. Sincere congratulation to you again.


  Best wishes,Mandy




Dear Ruth,

  I offer my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Vice President of the company. I know how talented you are and how hard you’ve worked to attain this goal. No one could have been more deserving. How exciting it must be for you to realize your ambitions after all those years of hard working. It’s been a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded.

  Sincere congratulations to you. Your expertise and dedication will bring out the best of everyone on your staff. They’re learning from a real professional.

  I wish you still further success.

  Sincerely yours,

  Ma Lin








   18 Chengtu RoadMay 12, 1999

My dear Harold

     ,I have just received your letter telling me of your recent marriage. This happy event in your life prompts me to reply at once; and, in my own peculiar way , to attempt to offer you my hearty congratulations and good wishes.Sometimes the question is asked: “Who is to be congratulated more, the Lady or the Gentleman?” In this case I would unhesitatingly answer both. There is an ol d sa ying: “True marriages are made in Heaven.” I hope this is so in your case, and consequently, there will be on looking?back with regret for either of you.Before going further, please let me sincerely wish that Peace, Health, Happiness , and Prosperity may attend both your wife and yourself until the end. And now w hat can I or shall I say further? You know I have not as yet had much experience in hymeneal affairs, but I am a student; hence I read and observe, a nd endeavour to bring reason to bear upon earthly problems. It seems to me that co nnubial bliss, excellent and essential , is by no means the only requirement. Th ere is the great question of parentage. In this connection, I think it imperativ e that the character and physique of both father and mother should be as perfect as possible for scientific authorities assert that sons partake of the individu ality of the father , and daughters that of the mother. I must say no more , or you will conclude that I am a scientific man before my time.With renewed good wishes, and kindest regards to you and your spouse.Believe me,Yours very sincerely,Jimmie.

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